This year, the concept of sustainability is at the core of every concern. The time has come to take greater care of the environment. The french cosmetics market (200 billions of euros for 2020), is a flagship domestic industry. As a matter of fact, 74% of French people expect eco-gestures from cosmetics companies. The attention is drawn to the « Luxury durably » notion: the market actors agreed to find more responsible alternatives. Among them, the use of refillable packaging, the reduction of the amount of quantity used and even the consideration of using biomaterials.
What are the concrete changes?
The trade union of this sector (FEBEA) aims at lowing the ecological impact of packaging by targeting a reduction of the quantity in plastic used in materials. Leading companies of the sector keep using plastic in its packaging while promoting mechanical and chemical recycling of it.
The regulatory framework for packaging currently represents a challenge due to its heterogeneity on markets. By the end of the 2021 year, Europe will set up a digital passport system for packaging in order to control their composition.
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